Viva Medicare The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is 20 days away. Call today! 1-888-830-Viva

Cybersecurity with Lynn Murphree, VIVA HEALTH's Data Security Officer

Learn How the Modivcare App Helps You Book Trips Easier and Faster

How to Manage or Change a Trip Using the Modivcare App

How to Download the Modivcare App

Learn how to download the Modivcare App from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

How to Cancel a Ride Using the Modivcare App

How to Book a Trip Using the Modivcare App

Learn how to schedule your ride using the Modivcare app.

Annual Notice of Changes (ANOC)

Each year in September, we send you an Annual Notice of Changes or ANOC. The ANOC shows any changes in benefits or costs for your VIVA MEDICARE plan for the upcoming year. You can also see your ANOC online at There’s a lot of information in your ANOC, but this videos walk you through the document to make sure you know what to look for. Keep in mind as we go through each section of the ANOC, that your plan’s ANOC may look a little different and may contain different section numbers.  

Alcohol Awareness Month

April is Alcohol Awareness Month. This month is dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of the causes and treatment of the nation’s #1 public health problem: alcoholism. Educating people about the treatment and prevention of alcoholism and alcohol abuse is important. It’s especially important for parents to teach their children about the harm caused by drinking alcohol. Watch this video to learn more.

Seasonal Allergies

Living in the South, we know the warmer weather of spring also means seasonal allergies caused by pollen. Join Katy Collins, pharmacist and supervisor of clinical pharmacy with VIVA HEALTH, as she tells us how to treat seasonal allergies and avoid the most common triggers.

National Caregivers Day

Being the caregiver for a loved one who can know no longer take care of themselves on their own is a huge responsibility and act of selfless giving. February 18th is National Caregivers Day—a day to honor and give thanks to those who provide care for others, usually with no pay. If you are a caregiver, thank you! We are grateful for your hard work and generous spirit. This message is for you.

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